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Canberra Metro Project Agreement

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The Canberra Metro Project Agreement was signed by the Australian and ACT governments back in April 2016 to support the development of the Light Rail Transit System in the region`s capital.

The project agreement aimed to provide an efficient transportation system that would connect the city`s major centers, including Gungahlin, Civic, and the southern precincts. It prioritized sustainable transport and aimed to reduce traffic congestion, improve accessibility, and enhance the overall quality of life in the area.

The agreement promised to establish a network of light rail lines across Canberra, integrating with buses and other modes of transportation, with the initial line connecting Gungahlin to the City. The project`s cost was estimated at $707 million, with $67 million committed to the initial leg of the project.

The Canberra Metro consortium, which included John Holland, Mitsubishi Corporation, and CAF, was awarded the contract to construct and operate the light rail system. The consortium was selected based on their expertise and experience in building and implementing successful light rail systems around the world.

The Canberra Metro Project Agreement also ensured that the project would comply with environmental requirements and maintain a high standard of safety for passengers and staff. It required regular consultation with the community to ensure that the project met the needs of its users and that any concerns were addressed in a timely manner.

The light rail system, now known as the Canberra Metro, began operations in April 2019, with the initial line connecting Gungahlin to the City. It has since expanded to cover other parts of Canberra, including Woden and Weston Creek. The project has been successful in reducing congestion, improving accessibility, and enhancing the region`s overall connectivity.

In conclusion, the Canberra Metro Project Agreement was instrumental in bringing the light rail system to Canberra and laying the foundation for a more sustainable, efficient, and accessible transportation system. The project has been a significant success, with the Canberra Metro now an integral part of the city`s public transportation network.